Rebuilding Internet Infrastructure With Web3

Add3, Content

February 8, 2023

6.5 min reading

Why Decentralized Infrastructure is Critical for the Future of the Web

The internet infrastructure everyone uses when they get online is completely centralized. This means a handful of big companies control the majority of the internet's infrastructure. Think – Amazon Web Services, Google, Oracle, and domain registrars.

This centralization makes certain issues much worse. Security breaches, censorship, and a lack of privacy are all notorious problems for the internet. That’s why the goal of Web3 is to re-build internet infrastructure and address these issues.

A decentralized web is the next evolution of the internet. Blockchains and tokenization will make the internet more private and secure. Tokenized domains like Unstoppable Domains and ENS are also opening the door to global, decentralized identity. These are the first steps toward a vision for the new internet. Let’s discuss more ways Web3 tech stacks can improve internet infrastructure.

Why Decentralization is Important

The goal of decentralization is to take user control back from monopolistic power centers. In the case of the internet, it means rebuilding tech stacks and functionality with decentralized platforms and tools. Web3 uses blockchain, smart contracts, and tokens to run dApps, improve security, and mitigate gatekeeping.

As we move away from relying on huge tech companies, we’ll build a more resilient and fault-tolerant internet. Today, a single point of failure can take down the entire system. Web3 aims to remove single points of failure, making it more difficult to disrupt the system as a whole.

The difficulty Web3 faces right now is building platforms and tools that can replace the old ones. It takes time, money, and concentrated effort – just like it did for the current internet. The web we browse today was built over decades. We need more decentralized exchanges (DEXs), Web3 social media platforms, storage solutions, and token management platforms. But it will take time.

Major Security Concerns Are Solved with Web3

Nearly anyone you ask today would say they believe internet security is important. But the truth is most people don’t know what good security looks like. All the average person knows is that hacks and breaches plague even the biggest and most trusted companies with top-level cybersecurity teams.

Centralized systems are vulnerable to hacking, fraud, human failure, and all kinds of malicious attacks. Cryptography has been the basis for web security since the dawn of the internet. And that’s still the case today. But companies and organizations need to update their security methods because bad actors are already updating.

Blockchain and tokenized identity are the next evolution in cybersecurity. And to implement those technologies, everyone needs to become familiar with them and start using them. But everyone can’t understand tokenization at a programmer level. We need tools and platforms to make it easier.

Tokenization Can Also Help Ownership and Privacy

Privacy is another problem with our current internet infrastructure. Every scandal that happens with a company mishandling user information or getting hacked erodes public trust. And the worst part is that we don’t have a choice. The internet is so integrated in modern society people have to use it. But they don’t have alternatives if they want to protect their personal information.

It’s a pay to play system and we’re paying with our data.

Ownership with tokens, zero-knowledge proofs, and non-custodial systems can give people back control. If this were the only problem Web3 could solve, it would be worth doing. Users should be able to choose who they share their data with – third parties included!

If the people who understand crypto, blockchain, and tokenization start building alternatives for average people, the users will come.

Challenges and Opportunities

Web3 technology is still in its early stages and there are a lot of challenges ahead. Right now, builders and creators need lots of deep, technical knowledge to participate. Even on a user level, dApps and token products are confusing. And to build something new, it’s even harder.

Projects and platforms that can create seamless, user-friendly products offering Web3 functionality without sacrificing simplicity will pioneer the new internet.

The challenge ahead is making Web3 scalable, usable, and compliant with regulations. When everyone can use Web3 products and platforms without knowing or caring about the underlying technology, Web3 will replace Web2.

Growth potential and innovation opportunities in Web3 are infinite. And the challenges are not insurmountable. In the last few years, crypto, DeFi, and Web3 adoption has skyrocketed. Even in a bear market, those who see the future opportunities are building. And that’s what we need.  

The New Internet is Coming

It’s time to re-build internet infrastructure and give users control of their own data and assets. The age of trusted intermediaries and giant tech monopolies is ending. By creating excellent Web3 products with great user experience, there will be no question about which tech stacks to use.

Anyone who wants to create a token should be able to. Everyone who wants to own assets, trade, and invest them should be able to. We’re creating the internet infrastructure that will allow that freedom step by step. It’s a big job but every piece of the puzzle is important.