Reasons Product Teams are Wasting Time Coding Your Project

Add3, Content

April 18, 2023

7.2 min reading

Why Product Teams are Wasting Time Coding Your Project

Founders, admins, and product managers know that time is money. When you're looking to launch a new crypto project or product, it's crucial to get it shipped as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many product teams waste time coding projects from scratch when they could be using existing solutions. This would speed up the process and save money.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at why product teams are wasting time and money coding redundantly. Here's what you can do to ensure your next token project launches quickly and efficiently.

The Myth of Custom Solutions

Many product teams believe that the only way to create a high-quality product is to build it from scratch. They believe that custom solutions are always the best choice, even if it means spending weeks or months on development. This myth is perpetuated by the idea that custom solutions are always more flexible, scalable, and secure than no-code solutions.

The truth is that, while custom solutions may be better sometimes, they're not always the most efficient choice. In fact, using no-code solutions can save product teams a lot of time and money. Especially if you’re working on something that has been done many times in similar ways. If it’s a truly proprietary solution, that’s one thing. But the majority of smart contracts most companies need are very similar to the ones everyone else uses. Things like creating tokens, DeFi staking, and vesting and distribution aren’t unique enough to warrant wasting developer time.

The Benefits of No-Code Solutions

One of the biggest benefits of using no-code solutions is that they're already built and tested. This means that product teams can get started on their projects right away, instead of spending weeks or months on development.

No-code solutions also tend to be less expensive than custom solutions, which can be a big benefit for businesses on a tight budget. It’s also good for companies whose main products aren’t blockchain related. Smaller brands that want to get into the crypto scene without putting huge budgets on the line can benefit.

Another benefit of no-code solutions is that they're often more flexible than custom solutions. Custom solutions are built specifically for one use, which means that they're not always adaptable to other projects. No-code solutions, on the other hand, are designed to be used by many different businesses and industries. This means they can be more widely applicable and adaptable.

Finally, no-code solutions are often more secure than custom solutions. This is because no-code solutions have been tested by many different businesses and industries. They've had more opportunities to identify and fix security issues.

The Risks of Custom Solutions

While custom solutions may seem like the best choice for businesses, they come with a number of risks. One of the biggest risks is that custom solutions can take a lot of time and money to develop. This can delay the launch of a product and eat into a business's budget.

They can also distract the team from focusing on core products. Or, maybe you’re just testing a new space like crypto and NFTs. It may not be worth sinking a bunch of time into developing your own tech stack. Right now, there aren’t a lot of solutions out there for easy, no-code tech that gives fast token functionality.

Custom solutions are also often less flexible and maintainable than no-code solutions. If a custom solution needs to be updated or changed, it’s expensive. A lot of legacy projects go stagnant because the cost of updating or iterating is too high. On the other hand, no-code solutions get updates more easily through the third-party platform.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Solution

If your team does decide to use a no-code platform, choosing the right solution is crucial. Right now, there aren’t a lot of options out there. And not every platform is an apples-to-apples comparison. That’s why it’s important to understand what you’re trying to accomplish before you start shopping. Once you know what functions you need, you can narrow down more easily.

One benefit of being in such a nascent space is you can likely talk to founders and project leads. Don’t be afraid to have a chat about what you want to do and what capabilities a platform has. You may be one of the first to adopt a platform that becomes a power-player in the no-code crypto space. This could give you an advantage for pricing, feature feedback, and brand clout.

Good Tools and Platforms Make Life Easier for Your Team

There’s no need for product teams to waste time re-coding things that already exist. Until now, there haven’t been a lot of options for no-code solutions, but that’s changing. The best developers and product designers don’t do things the hard way, they find efficiencies. Platforms like Webflow, Wordpress, and coding frameworks all exist for a reason. The faster technologies can evolve and iterate, the easier they are to use and the more people adopt them.

If you need a platform to help you launch and manage your token projects quickly and efficiently, check out Add3. We provide everything you need to create and manage tokens – and you can do everything in a few clicks. Instead of tediously building and launching a token for your TGE, just Add3.

We know the importance of launching your products and projects quickly and avoiding getting stuck in project no-man’s land. If you want a demo of the platform, let us know. We’ll hook you up with a trial and a customized coaching session just get in touch.