How Add3 Will Make Web3 Accessible to Everyone

Add3, Content

February 8, 2023

8 min reading

Two decades ago, making a website was hard. They were becoming interactive and more helpful for users, but creating a website was more complex than ever. Web developers had to spend hours designing and coding websites from scratch. That was such a big cost that most businesses weren’t able to invest in a website yet.

Today, all kinds of businesses – and even individuals – have their own websites. And now, Web3 is emerging. It’s bringing decentralization and utility to the web, creating a new kind of digital ownership.

But in 2022, Web3 faces the same challenges Web2 faced in the aughts.

Creating a token or deploying a smart contract is hard. These Web3 features require time, money, and skilled developers. Our team at Add3 knows the struggle all too well because we’ve experienced it ourselves.

That’s why we’re creating the no-code services we needed when we started building in Web3. Our mission is simple.

Make Web3 accessible for everyone so organizations can focus on what they do best: Building great products.

The future of the internet can make Web3 accessible

If you want to build a website today, you can do it in an afternoon. That’s because no-code services make it easy. Platforms like WordPress and Squarespace tucked away the complexity of web development into a user-friendly interface. Drag-and-drop features made website creation less technical. This allowed everyone to get online and it allowed the internet to scale.

Those no-code services are what Web3 needs for tokenization and smart contracts. In the course of building multiple Web3 projects, the frustration of having to code the same functionalities over and over got to us. We know it’s getting to you too.

Once common Web3 smart contracts can be created by anyone, Web3 will evolve the internet again. That’s why the Add3 team built the services that will reduce time, cost, and difficulty.

Add3 is doing for Web3 what no-code services did for Web2.

It’s not a matter of if Web3 will become more accessible, it's simply a matter of who will make it happen. Add3 is the first platform to offer the tools you need to quickly add Web3 features to your project.

So, what are the biggest problems Web3 projects face today and how is Add3 spearheading the no-code revolution?

Recreating common functionality is a waste of resources

Early in Web2, making websites interactive with forms, online merchants, user log-ins, and other common features was extremely tedious. Nearly every website used the same components. But each one had to be coded again and again until no-code platforms emerged.

The same problem exists for smart contracts in Web3 now. Common smart contracts like token minting, vesting and distribution, and staking contracts, constantly get re-coded. Developers end up using and re-using code because the components are almost the same.

But there’s a limited amount of Web3 developer talent available. Spending time and money to recreate common smart contracts for every project is a waste of your dev team’s abilities.

With Add3, you can easily create the smart contracts you need with a simple, no-code implementation.

Creating utility is too costly for new projects

Another problem for developers and product teams is auditing and deploying the contracts. There are a lot of checks and tests a team has to do to deploy a smart contract. This creates room for error with every contract that’s created. On top of that, contract audits can take forever and cost a lot of money. This is especially painful if you just want simple utility add-ons.

Perhaps you’re already building a project or product. You want to avoid “Project no-man’s land” [internal link no-man’s land blog] by adding features like staking and LP staking. The cost of diverting your dev team’s time and energy to utility add-ons could be a death blow.

Add3’s pre-audited, one-click deployment contracts allow your team to focus on proprietary products and features.

Web3 features have a high barrier of entry

For traditional web, finance, and tech companies, Web3 can feel like an unfruitful diversion. Maybe you’d like to add Web3 features to your existing Web2 products but the cost is still too high.

In order to offer Web3 features alongside your Web2 products, you’ll need a whole new, Web3-specialized product team. Most stakeholders will conclude that cost is higher than their potential return.

Add3’s no-code contracts make Web3 accessible. Existing companies can easily add Web3 features without an outrageous budget or long go-to-market timeline.

Add3 will make Web3 accessible in the no-code revolution

Until now, launching a Web3 project has taken months of hiring devs, coding contracts, waiting for audits, and fixing bugs. The go-to-market timeline can easily take eight months or more. With Add3, the timeline is much faster and cheaper.

There’s no need for 20-40 weeks of struggle. Founders and product managers can create and deploy a contract that has already been audited. It only takes a few days. Add3 is making that possible and helping to evolve the ecosystem by making the whole process faster and more efficient.

WordPress and Squarespace made web development easier with no-code solutions. Shopify and Stripe brought no-code to ecommerce. And AWS and Azure brought simplified server infrastructure to Web2. Now, Add3 is bringing no-code smart contract solutions to the next iteration of the internet.  

Web3 is coming and now – all you need is Add3! Our premiere, no-code services are the first of their kind. The “Smart Contracts as a Service” industry is just around the corner and Add3 is at the wheel of the ship.

The Add3 platform is the first to make Web3 accessible to you, no matter what kind of dev team you have or don’t have. We’re at the forefront of the no-code revolution and creating Web3 utility has never been easier.

Our vision is to help organizations unlock their Web3 potential. Not only will our platform make your team’s job easier, it will push the internet forward into its next phase. Don’t be late to the Web3 game just because you thought it would be too hard. Let us help make your project thrive.